Baptism is a time of great celebration. As you and your family give thanks for the gift of a child, we as a church celebrate the chance to welcome a new member to the family of Christ.From the earliest days of the Christian church people have become Christians and members of that Church through baptism. The Gospels (Matthew 3:13–17; Mark 1:9–11; Luke 3:21–23) tell us that Jesus himself was baptised by John the Baptist in the River Jordan; and that Jesus sent his disciples out into the world to baptise others, with the message that all who would enter his kingdom must be born again of water and the Spirit. Baptism is the sign and seal of this new birth.
When children are baptised, both their parents and carefully selected godparents undertake certain important duties. It is for this reason that parents and godparents are offered help and assistance beforehand in understanding fully their responsibilities.
Some parents prefer to provide an opportunity for thanksgiving at the birth of their child, whilst allowing Baptism and Confirmation to be something of personal choice on the part of their child at a later stage.
In Llandysul we encourage baptisms to take place during our main Sunday service which is held at 11am.
Please contact our Vicar, Rev’d Gareth Reid for more information - 01559 363874 or
The Tower Appeal
Project to transform the back of the church building to improve our use of the space - for worship and for the surrounding community. Read more...